Thursday, June 6, 2013

No talking?

Les Mis is the most interesting movie ever. I had no idea what I was getting into when I went to the

theater to watch it. I had no idea that the whole movie was singing.. I thought that it was some

singing and some talking. But no. Even the dialogue. I was so confused, it didn't make any sense. I

hated it at first, but then I watched some of the play on YouTube and I fell in love. It is honestly the

most axing movie ever. I love all the songs and the whole story. I have such an appreciating for every

 person in the play or the movie. They are amazing.

The Godfather

        I don't watch mob movies, or movies like The Godfather, and this is one reason why I am so

happy that I got the chance to experience so many genres in my Film Study class. This movie was

actually so so good and I would have never watched it if I wasn't in this class. I really enjoyed how

everything played out. It was another movie I would watch again, and would love to see the sequels.

Some Like It Hot

    Probably my favorite movie we watched in my Film Study class. This was my first Mariyn Monroe

movie I have ever seen and I absolutely loved it. It was funny and was a weird storyline. This is a

movie I could watch multiple times without getting bored. I am so happy I got to experience one of

Marilyn's movies because it was honestly great!

Saving Private Ryan

        My first time ever watching this movie, but not the first time I have ever heard of it. This movie

 was definitely a hard movie to watch at first but the story got better and better. Saving Private Ryan

is one  of the best story lines and concepts I have ever seen but it is also so extremely sad. I

recommended this movie to anyone that loves a good story, because it doesn't disappoint.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


This movie, doesn't even compare to the book.. but what movie really does? This movie seems to be hated

or loved and I actually really like it! I think that the whole idea of there being districts and us fighting to the

death for some food is scary, but it was extremely cool to see it getting played out. The book was so much

better, but the movie was good as well. I think the actors were perfect, especially since I love Jennifer

Lawrence. If you haven't seen it, give it a try!

White Chicks? or Black Men? or BOTH?

If you are looking for a weir comedy, then watch 'White Chicks'. What is more genius then two black men 

going undercover as two really white chicks and not getting caught? It is so extremely funny and you 

probably will not stop laughing. The idea is already funny, but having people act it out is even more hilarious. 

It's a must watch. 

My mind hurts


If you can think of a more complex idea then a dream within a dream, you need to make a movie out of it. 

Inception is one of the most hard to follow movies I have ever watched because of the amount of things that 

is going on at once. I don't think I ever really knew who's dream I was in, but that made it a lot more fun to 

watch. If you get a chance to watch it, watch it in one sitting because you will not be able to follow it. Your 

mind with hurt and be blown away at the same time. It's amazing.